Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is a tall and long-haired dog from Afghanistan. It is believed to be one of the oldest types of dogs still in existence. The breed was discovered by the Western world in the 19th century.
Most Afghan Hounds weigh between 44 and 59 lbs, and do well with a Large PlexiDor dog door.
Afghanistan is a country with many extremes; there are high mountains with cold and thin air as well as deserts. The dogs that developed in the southern and western regions – desert regions – tend to be light in color and have a sparse coat. The dogs from the north are more compact, darker, and have a thicker coat.
Once the dogs were discovered by the west some ended up in Europe, but as World War One took its tool, the western dogs became extinct. The breed of today stems back to a group of dogs brought to Scotland from Pakistan in 1920. The first dogs to set foot in the USA came here in 1926.
Afghan Hounds are known for being highly individual, aloof, and dignified – unless they’re playing. They love to have fun and can be quite clownish when playing. They make wonderful family members, but need supervision around small animals that might look like prey.
These dogs require a log of exercise and they are very fast. They are also able to run for a long time, so you’re not likely to run an Afghan tired. The long coat requires regular grooming.
The PlexiDor Large is the right size dog door for an Afghan Hound.