Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is also often called ACD or Cattle Dog. They are energetic cattle herders, ready and willing to work all day. Most Australian Cattle Dogs weigh under 50 lbs, and need a Large PlexiDor Dog Door or a Medium PlexiDor Dog Door.
In their home land Australia these dogs drive cattle across long distances over rough terrain, and they are unfazed by angry cows. They were originally bred to herd by biting, and they can be nippy around running children. They don’t mean to inflict harm; as most herding breeds they are independent and can take upon themselves to herd anything that moves.
They are agile, courageous, strong, and intelligent; they consistently score amongst the ten most intelligent breeds. Australian Cattle Dogs generally have very high-energy, and paired with bright minds they need something to do. They’re fantastic companions for herding, obedience, and agility, and bonds closely with the family. They’re not suitable for a life where they’re left alone in an apartment all day long.
Little grooming is required. An occasional bath and brushing is usually enough.
The PlexiDor Large is the right size dog door for Australian Cattle Dogs.