Belgian Sheepdog

Belgian Sheepdog

Belgian Sheepdog lying on his side and looking expectantly

The Groenendael – or Belgian Sheepdog – is a type of working dog from Belgium. The dogs are elegant, strong, ingelligent, and easy to train. They weighs up to 66 lbs and needs a Large PlexiDor dog door.

The Belgian Sheepdog

The breed stems back to the 1800s and were originally herders, companions, and watchdogs. Their smarts and usefulness soon made them popular outside the country of origin, and Belgian Sheepdogs soon served as police dogs in Paris and New York City. They were also famous for catching smugglers for Belgian customs.

Many other breeds declined during the world wars, but the Groenendael’s usefulness helped them thrive. During WWI the dogs carried messages, served as ambulance dogs, and even pulled machine guns. During WWII they guarded military installations and watched for intruders.

In today’s world, there are not many needs for a herding dog, but the Belgian Sheepdog still excels. Many work in search and rescue, as guide dogs, and as therapy dogs. They also do very well in dog sports such as obedience, agility, and tracking.

This is a high energy breed that likes to have a lot to do. This breed requires a good amount of exercise, but they can also relax in a home environment and are known as devoted and gentle companions that get along well with children.

The PlexiDor Large is the right size dog door for Belgian Sheepdogs.

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