Broholmer Dog Breed

The Broholmer, also called Danish Mastiff, is a very large Danish dog breed. It is big and powerful with a loud and impressive bark. Their average life span is 7-12 years. Females with 90-130 lbs and males 110- 150 lbs, so they most likely require an Extra Large PlexiDor dog door.
The breed originally comes from a cross between English Mastiffs and various German dogs. The name comes from Sehested of Broholm – an 18th century game keeper. It was nearly extinct after the second world war, but in the 1970s isolated members of the breed were discovered and Danish enthusiasts saved it.
The breed is known for being calm, good tempered, and friendly, albeit watchful towards strangers.
The PlexiDor Extra Large is the right size dog door for a Broholmer.