Cane Corso Dog Breed

The Cane Corso is a large dog breed from Italy, also called the Italian Mastiff. The name means “Guardian” or “Protector” and they excel at guarding family, home, and cattle. An average Cane Corso weighs between 88 and 120 lbs. A smaller individual can do well with a Large PlexiDor dog door, but larger individuals will need an Extra Large PlexiDor dog door.
This is a rare breed, traditionally used for hunting of large animals such as wild boar. The dogs are intelligent and easy to train, they bond closely with their families, and are generally good with children. They can be suspicious against strangers, and early socialization and training are recommended.
If you’re considering a Cane Corso, remember that this is a big and strong dog that is both intelligent and active. An unruly dog of over 100 lbs can be a challenge and it’s better to teach them good manners from the start. The breed is generally athletic and requires plenty of exercise.
The short coat looks smooth on photos, but it is really coarse and thick, and protects the dog from water. The Cane Corso is an easy breed to groom; they shed little and only require an occasional brushing.
The PlexiDor Extra Large is the right size dog door for Cane Corsos.