Dachshund Dog Breed
The Dachshund is a German dog breed with friendly and lively personality. This is an old breed stemming batch to the 1600s, and the dogs were bred to be fearless and tough enough to dig under the earth and fight badgers. A standard Dachshund weighs between 16 and 32 lbs, and needs a Medium PlexiDor dog door. A miniature weighs under 11 lbs, and might be able to use a Small PlexiDor dog door. It depends on the individual.
Dachshunds are enthusiastic, playful, and loving. They require moderate exercise, and generally do well with children. They do get bored easily, so be prepared to keep your dog busy and load up with fun toys.
Even though they make great lap dogs, they are hunters, and can be a bit stubborn.
They come in three different coat varieties – smooth, wire-haired, or longhaired – and can be standard size or miniature. Smooth and wire-haired dachshunds shed very little, and can work well for people with allergies.
Unless the individual is very small, the PlexiDor Medium is the right size dog door for Dachshunds.