Jindo Dog Breed
The Jindo gets its name from the Jindo Island in Korea. It is unknown just how old the breed is, but it is believed to be ancient, and the dogs were originally bred to be hunters. The Jindo is known to be fiercely loyal and brave. A Jindo normally weighs between 35 and 60 pounds, and while some of them might get by with a Medium PlexiDor dog door, most will need a Large PlexiDor dog door.
The breed resembles the Shiba Inu and the Akita in appearance, but the Shiba Inu is smaller, and the Akita larger.
In its homeland Korea, owners divide the Jindo into two groups: The Tonggol or Gyupgae, which are stocky, muscular, and have a deep chest. This variant of the breed has an equal proportion of height at the withers and length. There is also the Hudu or Heutgai, which are slender with less depth of chest. The Korean National Dog Association recognizes one more body type: the Gakgol, which is a gradually emerging combination of the two traditional types.
Jindos are highly intelligent, independent, and strong willed. While they tend to be suspicious towards strangers, they are loyal, loving, and protective towards the family.
The PlexiDor Large is the right size dog door for a Jindo.