Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff comes from Central Asia and are thought to have traveled with Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun. This ancient breed has roots traced back to 1100BC. They are known for being intelligent, independent, and strong, and they are traditionally used as guard dogs. A Tibetan Mastiff dogs can be very large with males weighing up to 150 lbs, and they require an Extra Large PlexiDor dog door.
Tibetan Mastiffs are intelligent and easy to train, but they get bored quickly, and they need to have something to do. Being big and strong, a bored and unoccupied Tibetan Mastiff can cause a lot of damage.
They are devoted to their family, but can be aloof to strangers and the puppies require socialization from an early age. They do well with other dogs and pets, and are generally patient with children belonging to the family.
According to the AKC, some Tibetans believe that Tibetan Mastiffs have the souls of monks and nuns who weren’t good enough to enter Shambhala (the heavenly realm) or be reincarnated as people. Also according to the AKC, Tibetan Mastiffs are traditionally kept with Lhasa Apsos, who would alert the larger dog to strangers.
The PlexiDor Extra Large is the right size dog door for Tibetan Mastiffs.