Frequently Asked PlexiDor Questions

PlexiDor Extra LargeIf you need a pet door, the PlexiDor is sturdy, secure, energy efficient, and comes with a five year warranty. Here are answers to some frequently asked PlexiDor questions.

Where can I install a PlexiDor?

The PlexiDor can be installed through a door, a wall, or even through glass. The part you see next to the doggie on the picture goes on the inside of the house.

The PlexiDor units for door installation fits a standard US house door of 1.75″ and the frame covers the cut-out edges of the house door.

PlexiDor dog door wall tunnelThe units for wall installation come with an aluminum wall tunnel that is adjustable from 4″ to 12″ On the image to the right, the door is seen from the outside of the house. The aluminum tunnel is angled to drain water and snow to the outside.

When it comes to installations in glass, every size door from the small one to the extra large and the electronic PlexiDor can be mounted in a sliding glass door, french style door, or window.

What kinds of pets can use a PlexiDor?

The PlexiDor comes in several sizes to accommodate everything from cats to dogs weighing up to 200 lbs. The doors on the larger models swing so easily that smaller pets can use a bigger door.

If in doubt, check out thee PlexiDor SizeChart.

The door looks so small. Will my dog really go through there?

If you have the right size according to the PlexiDor SizeChart, the answer is generally “Yes.” The door isn’t meant to be mounted flush with the floor; the pets lift their legs and walk/run over a threshold. The reason for this is that you want the opening to be as small as possible while still being big enough for your pet.

Looking at the chart above, the extra large PlexiDor, for example, should be mounted 12″-14″ up from the floor, unless a dog needs it to be lower.

Is it hard to teach a pet to use the door?

Pets generally catch on to the idea quickly. Prop the panels open and tempt your cat or dog with a treat. Once they go through with the panels open, try the same thing with panels closed. Many pets who won’t use other pet doors still like the PlexiDor because they can see the other side through the panel.

What warranties do you have?

The PlexiDor comes with an unconditional 90 day money back guarantee. Shipping charges are non refundable, but the factory will refund the purchase price in full.

The PlexiDor also comes with a 5 year warranty. Any defective part will be repaired or replaced, including standard shipping charges, for five years from the purchase date. Labor is not covered.

This warranty covers residential use. Commercial kennels should use the BiteGuard line of pet doors.

Do you have a door that will let my dog out but keep the cats inside?

We can’t guarantee that. The PlexiDor Electronic opens only for pets with a key, but cats are quick and can follow the dog outside.

How does the PlexiDor Electronic work?

It’s like a miniature garage door for pets. The pets allowed to use the door get collar keys with RFID. The keys are waterproof, shock proof, and do not require batteries.

When the key comes close to the door, the panel slides up. You can program how long the door will stay open, and since there are thousands of RFID codes you can feel confident the door will only open for your pets, even if other animals in the neighborhood have similar keys.