With the weather heating up and reaching record breaking temperatures across the country it’s important to discuss heat exhaustion and heat stroke warning signs in dogs to protect our companions. Summer is a great time to vacation, relax and enjoy fun in the sun, but these high temps can be dangerous and even fatal to our four-legged friends. Read further to learn the warning signs of heat stroke.

Heat Stroke Warning Signs in Dogs
- Rapid heartbeat – A dog’s pulse can be taken by placing your hand on their chest by their front elbow joint. If their pulse seems elevated, they might be overheated. Keep in mind, a normal pulse rate varies for each breed. Larger dogs usually have slower pulse rates and smaller dogs and puppies have more rapid ones.
- Muscle tremors – Shaking or shivering, no matter the temperature outside, may be a sign of heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
- Vomiting or diarrhea – Soft stool, or with blood in it, is one of the heat stroke warning signs in dogs.
- Disorientation – Trouble walking in a straight line or bumping into things may signal dizziness from dehydration or heat exhaustion.
- Increased thirst – Signs of dehydration are a dry nose, noticeable tiredness, increased panting and sunken eyes.
- Fever – Your dog’s nose should be cool and wet, not hot and dry. If hot and dry, they could have a fever. A dog’s normal body temperature should be under 103 degrees.
- Excessive panting or trouble breathing – Should your dog begin panting more than usual or faster than normal, they could be overheated. Dogs with flat faces and short noses, like Boston terriers and Bulldogs, are more prone to heat stroke.

- Excessive drooling – Increased drooling or drool that is thick and sticky is one of the heat stroke warning signs in dogs.
- Bright red or pale gums – A change in gum color from what is normal can signal dehydration.
- Trouble urinating – A decrease in urine may be a symptom of dehydration and/or overheating.
- Weakness and collapsing – An overheated dog may nap more than usual or have difficulty standing or walking.
Above are the most common symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. There are more. During the summer months it is very important to monitor your dog and if they are acting sick, tired, or just not quite like themselves, don’t ignore it. Always check with your veterinarian to insure optimal wellness for your pet.
Be sure your dog has plenty of water and shade whenever they are outside and don’t leave them out too long in the heat. A great way to keep them out of the heat is to give them the freedom to come and go as they please with a PlexiDor Dog Door https://plexidors.com/why-we-are-better/ . Our high quality, energy efficient doors come in four sizes to fit any dog from Teacup Poodles to Great Danes. Contact our Customer Service Department https://plexidors.com/contact-us today with any questions or call 888-PET-DOOR. We are always happy to help!