There are many potential problems with off-leash dogs that may arise. It is understandable to want your canine to have the freedom to run without restraint, free to be unfettered and unrestricted. However, there can be consequences for both your dog and other dogs.

Problems with Off-Leash Dogs for Other Dogs
An unleashed dog that is free to run is also free to approach other dogs without confines. Even the best trained dog is still an animal with instincts and may, when provoked or otherwise stimulated, behave out of character. Your dog or the free-range dog may get injured or worse. There is a possibility the owners may become injured as well trying to break up a skirmish.
Even the friendliest of dogs can be difficult for another dog to handle when they are off-leash and barreling toward you and your beloved pooch at top speed. Despite the owner telling you to “relax” and “their friendly” there is no assurance an altercation will not arise. Your dog may not be friendly or they may not appreciate the exuberant approach of an unwelcome visitor.
Types of Dogs Experiencing Problems with Off-Leash Dogs
- Senior Dogs – An older dog approached by an off-leash dog may be overwhelmed or feel threatened. This is an unequal position for the elderly pup to be in and they may become aggressive or simply cower.
- Dogs Recovering from Medical Procedures, Illness, or Injuries – These dogs are fragile and don’t need another animal interfering with their healing process, no matter how “friendly” they are.
- Shy Dogs – A timid dog may also be traumatized by an unwelcome dog coming toward them. Some dogs do not like to socialize and should not be forced into it. Dogs owners who allow their dogs off-leash and cannot control them create an unsafe situation for shy dogs, real or perceived.
- Fearful Dogs – Some dogs are just out-right afraid of other dogs. Perhaps they are small and larger animals intimidate them. Or they don’t like to be approached by dogs they don’t know. Anytime your dog finds an experience overwhelming it should be avoided.
- Potentially Aggressive Dogs – Some dogs may become aggressive when they feel threatened. A dog flying toward them can cause even the best trained, even-tempered animal to become combative, feeling the need to defend themselves.
One animal being off-leash and another dog leashed creates a socially unequal situation. This is the perfect recipe for a fight to break out. In an ideal situation, both dogs would be leashed and on equal footing. The dogs would be allowed to come in contact only when agreed upon by both owners and only when both dogs are open to the greeting.
Remember, most places have leash laws. These laws are in place to protect you and your dog. Should an aggressive animal be off-leash, or you have problems with off-leash dogs, be sure to report it to the authorities. A problem for you is sure to be a problem for another person and you may save someone else a potential heartache.