In the past, owners of very large dogs had problems finding suitable pet doors. Traditional flap doors can’t stand up to the power produced by a 200 lbs dog hitting it at a run. Countless owners ended up with torn flaps, warped frames, and even pet door frames torn out of the household door.
The PlexiDor dog door is specifically made to withstand even very large dogs. The frame is made from hardened aluminum that won’t crack or rust, and the panels are made from a special K9 Composite material. They’re thin, yet isolating, and strong enough to withstand the intense pounding a large dog can put them through. The PlexiDor factory has put an extensive amount of research into the material. The see-through panels also serves as a window for the pet.
An extra large dog also comes with extra strong jaws, and some breeds are known for chewing everything to pieces. The extra large PlexiDor dog door has an aluminum chew-proof trim around each panel, so even if the dog is bored and tries to take it out in the door, destroying the panel will not be easy.
Many pet owners worry about security, and that can seem a warranted concern when putting in a door large enough to accommodate a 220 lbs dog. Every PlexiDor dog door is delivered with a lock and key, and a steel security plate that attaches to the door frame.
The security plate screws on to the dog door frame, but for households that want to attach it often, be it for securing the house or for signaling to the dog that the door is locked, there is a sliding track accessory available. The security plate slides down the track to the right position, and is locked in place with a flip lock, so an intruder can’t get rid of it through pushing it up.

The image to the right shows an extra large PlexiDor dog door with the security plate attached through the sliding track system. Note that you can lock and unlock the door through the security plate, so even if you forget to lock before putting the plate on, you don’t have to take it off again. The image also shows the security plate flip-lock on top.
There is also an awning available that provides shade and keeps rain and snow away.
The PlexiDor extra large dog door is available in three frame colors: silver, white, or bronze. The sliding tracks are available in the same colors, and awnings and security plates are either white or brone.
The extra large PlexiDor dog door is excellent for breeds such as Great Danes, Leonbergers, Newfoundlands, Rottweilers, St Bernards, Old English Sheepdogs, Irish Wolfhounds, and other dogs up to 220 lbs. The panels open so easily that a small and large pet can use the same door. However, if a smaller pet is to share the door it’s important to adjust the installation height so everyone can get in and out comfortably.