The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel of Royalty

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was a “spaniel to the kings” being popular with both royalty and nobility alike in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. These are toy spaniels giving them characteristics of both an affectionate companion dog and the instincts of a prey driven hunter. Easy to train and eager to please they are a good choice for first time dog owners. Their dark round eyes and adorable expression will melt the heart at first glance.

Tri-Color Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Tri-Color Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier is one of the largest dogs in the Toy Breed Group of the American Kennel Club. They stand 12-13 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh 13-18 pounds. In years 2021 and 2023, they ranked number fifteen on the American Kennel Club’s Most Popular Dog Breed List and were the most popular spaniel breed. These gentle, cheerful dogs make wonderful therapy dogs.

History of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This breed dates back to the 16th century and Mary, Queen of Scots. The dog was popular with European nobility during the Renaissance and Mary’s son and grandson Charles I and Charles II of England kept these dogs as well. After the death of Charles II, popularity for these toy spaniels waned and the favored dog of the Tudors, the pug, gained favor. The toy spaniel became almost extinct except at Blenheim Palace where the Duke of Marlborough continued to breed a red and white coloration. However, there was no standard for the type and size of spaniels bred.

In 1920, Roswell Eldridge, an American, began looking for a spaniel that resembled the dogs in the old pictures of royalty. In 1928, a dog was found matching the description and a breed club was formed. The name Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was given to set it apart from the current King Charles Spaniel now known in America as the English Toy Spaniel. The breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in March 1995 making it the AKC’s 140th breed.

Black and Tan Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Black and Tan Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier Hair Care

The Cavalier is a relatively low maintenance breed. They require regular brushing 3-4 times a week and a bath every one to two weeks. Trim the nails once a month or when they make a clicking sound on the floor. As a droopy-eared dog, their ears need to be cleaned on a regular basis. While overall a low shedding dog, they do shed seasonally in the fall and spring and should be brushed more often during these times to keep matting from occurring.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has a medium length coat that is silky to the touch and may be slightly wavy. There is feathering on the ears, chest, legs, feet, and tail. Some owners choose to keep their feet groomed and trimmed down to keep them tidy.

The graceful Cavaliers come in four colors. The most common is the Blenheim, named for the Duke of Marlborough, who kept the breed alive. The Blenheim is chestnut on a white background. The Tricolor exhibits black markings on a white body with tan tips over the eyes, on the cheeks and underside of tail. The Black and Tan coloration is black all over with tan markings and the Ruby is a solid reddish brown.

Exercise Needs

Don’t let that petite frame fool you, the playful Cavalier is athletic and does great at dog sports like flyball, agility, obedience, and rally. Some Cavaliers have even been known to hunt. Although they do well at these types of activities, they are also content with a short walk or even just a romp in the yard. The Cavalier will match their owner’s activity level. Cavaliers can do dog sports or lounge on the couch all day, either works great for them. They don’t do well in heat or cold though. They prefer a moderate temperature.

Blenheim Colored Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Blenheim Colored Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier Temperament

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel possesses a very even temper. Although they may bark when the doorbell rings, they are quite friendly with strangers. It is said their tails are in constant motion. They are affectionate with children, get along well with other dogs, and adore their people. So much so they do not like to be left alone for long periods of time. This breed is best when they can be home with someone. They are extremely dependent.

While Cavs are easy to train with positive reinforcements and food rewards, they are still easily distracted by their prey drive and if not on a leash may go darting into traffic after a squirrel. Irritating, but not as dangerous, once on the hunt for their prey, they won’t return to your frantic calls. Cavaliers are known to chase birds, rabbits, and other small prey.

Strictly indoor pets, Cavaliers may have trouble with housetraining. If this is the case, a PlexiDor Dog Door is the solution. It is important in potty training to make access available when your dog needs it. With a dog door, the bathroom is available on their terms.

PlexiDor Dog Doors are available in standard and electronic models in white and bronze. Our doors come in sizes ranging from Small to Extra-Large to accommodate dogs from a 6-pound Chihuahua to the largest 220 pound Mastiff. Contact our Customer Service Department with any questions or call 888-PET-DOOR.

Breed spotlight: Belgian sheep herding dogs

Belgium is a small country in Western Europe that  shares borders with France, Germany, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands. There are quite a few Belgian dog breeds, several of which are often used as guard dogs and police dogs.

The Belgian Shepherd Dogs are amongst famous breeds from the area. This group is divided into the Groenendael, the Laekenois, Malinois, and the Tervuren. The breeds have similarities in looks and temperament, but they are distinct breeds.

The Belgian Sheep Herding Dogs


The Groenendael is an elegant, strong, and intelligent breed. They were originally used as herders, watchdogs, and companions, but their smarts and versatility quickly made them popular outside of Belgium. Groenendaels soon served as police dogs in Paris and New York City, and were famous for catching smugglers.

Many work in search and rescue, as guide dogs, and as therapy dogs. They also do very well in dog sports such as obedience, tracking, and agility.One of the Belgian Sheep herding dogs is the black, long haired Groenendael shepherd


The Malinois is an alert breed often mistaken for German Shepherds, and the confusion becomes bigger from the Malinois being popular for police and military work. While there are physical similarities, this is a completely different breed than the German Shepherd.

An average Malinois is intelligent, confident, and loves to work. They are also popular in obedience trials, herding, sledding, and tracking. Malinois shepherd dog from Belgium


The Laekenois is clever and alert, and can be quite protective of family and property. This breed was originally developed to tend to flocks and guard, and these properties remain in the breed. Laekenois shepherd dog from Belgium


The Tervuren is an elegant and devoted dog that often excels in obedience and agility competitions. Many who see these dogs believe they’re German Shepherds with long hair, but the Tervuren is a different breed. They’re outstanding herders that also do great jobs as therapy dogs and guide dogs.

Tervuren shepherd dog from Belgium

Therapy dogs in nursing homes

The Volpino Italiano needs a medium Plexidor dog doorA nursing home is a place for a person who needs more care around the clock than can be reasonably given at home, but who doesn’t need to be in a hospital. Many nursing homes strive for a home-like environment. Some allow residents to bring their pets, but this isn’t always possible, and many nursing homes around the USA have opened their doors to therapy dogs who come visit on a regular basis. Therapy dogs in nursing homes has become a common sight across the country.

Dogs have an instinctive way of knowing when they are needed, and a visit from a dog can calm and soothe someone, or lift the spirits of a person who is sad and lonely. The dogs provide a physical touch and many love the feeling of soft fur. They also bring warmth, joy, and a patient ear that will always listen.

Some believe only a certain breed can become a therapy dog, or that they are raised for this purpose as puppies. Therapy dogs come in all breeds and sizes, and many are rescue dogs.

If you’re interested in doing therapy work with your dog, start by training some basic obedience, and bring your dog to many different environments so he or she gets used to noises and people. Then, find a therapy-dog organization in your area. Many states have animal-assisted therapy organizations that offer training programs.

To become a certified therapy dog, a trainer will evaluate you and your dog and suggest courses to take. Then, you’re ready to volunteer. Many organizations will help you find volunteer opportunities. Here is a list that can help you get started.

Bringing dogs to work can reduce stress levels

Brown and white dog holding phone receiver in his mouth of old fashioned yellow rotary phone by his side  can help in the office when you brig dogs to work
Bringing dogs to work can help reduce stress

Sandra Barker is a professor of psychiatry at Virginia Commonwealth’s School of Medicine, and she has been involved in several studies researching dogs in the workplace. The results may not come as big surprises to dog lovers, but are interesting nonetheless.

A study was made in 2012 at a large manufacturing company. The study included 76 employees, and having just three dogs present on any given day reduced the stress level by 11 percent during the day.

Employees with their dogs left at home, however, had an increase in stress level of 71 percent. As the day progresses, dog owners clearly worry about their furry friends!

Bringing dogs to work can serve as a buffer against stress – things still happen, but humans react less to stress factors with pets around.

Nationally, around 2 percent of dog owners take their pets to work, and this adds up to around one million dogs in workplaces around the country.

Poop police coming to Carmel?

No one likes to step in dog poop, and there are many reasons to pick it up. Dog poop is the number three cause of water pollution, the water treatment systems aren’t designed to filter dog waste, and it can spread diseases and viruses, to name a few. Many dog owners are still bad at picking it up.

Carmel has a new million dollar dog park, and if dog waste becomes a problem, they’re considering hiring a poop police. The company PooPrints specializes in DNA analysis of dog waste and currently has contracts with apartment complexes and condos in 45 US states, Canada, and the UK.

If the system is put in place, dogs with passes for the dog park would be subject to a gentle DNA swipe from their mouth, and if anything is left behind on the ground, the owner could get a notice and a bill in the mail.

Several apartment complexes currently use the system with great success; the threat of public shaming has been enough to make residents pick up after their dogs.

AKC recognizes four more breeds

The American Kennel Club – AKC – sent out a press release just before New Years telling that it recognizes four breeds new to the club. This brings the number of breeds able to participate in AKC events up to 184.

The new breeds are the Bergamasco, Boerboel, Cirneco dell’Etna, and the Spanish Water Dog. AKC adds new breeds when they fill the club’s standards, which include a breed club and a minimum number of individuals in the country.

The Bergamasco is a sheep dog from Italy with a history that goes back around 7,000 years. As most sheep dogs, these are highly intelligent and love to work.

The AKC recognizes four breeds new this year and the Bergamasco sheep dog is one of them.

The Boerboel is a hardy farm dog from South Africa. This breed is known for being intelligent, protective, and willing to please their family. Through history these dogs have been used for everything from babysitting to protecting against predators.

The Boerboel is a hardy farm dog from South Africa.

The Cirneco dell’Etna is an Italian hunting dog known for its resistance to heat and tough conditions. In the past, it was often used for hunting together with a ferret.

The Cirneco dell'Etna is an Italian hunting dog

The Spanish Water Dog is another lively and hard working herding dog. This versatile breed herds, hunts, and helps fishermen.

The Spanish Water Dog has thick curly fur that falls in a mop in its eyes.

Be careful with antifreeze

At this time a year pet owners need to watch out for antifreeze spills. Antifreeze for cars is based on ethylene glycol, which is quite toxic and leads to many pet deaths every year. If a pet laps it up and isn’t treated immediately, severe damage to kidneys and nervous system will follow.

In the past all antifreeze solutions had a sweet smell and taste, nowadays some manufacturers have changed the formula to make them less appealing to pets, and some manufacturers make “pet safe” antifreeze. Using the pet safe products helps – they are less toxic than traditional products, but can still be dangerous.

If you see a puddle on the ground when you’re walking your dog, don’t let your pet drink from it or walk through it. If it gets on the paws, odds are the pet will lick it off later to clean itself.

Keep this type of product off the ground and out of reach for pets. If there’s a spill, clean it immediately and rinse the area with lots of water.

If you think your pet has ingested antifreeze – even a small amount – call your veterinarian or the closest pet ER at once.

Subtle signs of illness in cats

Cats are masters at disguising any illness. This seems counterproductive to us – we can only help the cat if we know something is wrong – but to the cat, showing illness equals showing weakness. 

The sooner a problem is detected the better and faster it can be treated, and it is important for cat owners to keep an eye for any subtle changes in behavior. And, if your cat suddenly starts acting “weird” it’s time for a trip to the vet.

Here are some of the most common – but subtle – signs of illness in cats:

Unexplained weight loss or gain

Since you see your cat every day it can be hard to notice weight loss or weight gain. It’s a good idea to weigh your cat once a month, or take monthly photos to compare.

Many cats are finicky eaters, and it can be difficult to keep track of consumption of food and water. Measuring the cat’s food helps. You also want to keep an eye on how your furry friend eats – if your cat has always been neat and suddenly starts eating in a messy fashion there might be a problem with their teeth.

Changes in behavior with others

If your cat has enjoyed playing with other cats regularly and starts avoiding them, something is most likely wrong. It can be a health problem, or stress. The other way around can also be true – if your cat has always been private and a loner and suddenly starts seeking attention, something might be wrong.

If your cat suddenly slows down from being energetic, or drastically increases activity, it’s a good idea to visit the vet. Sudden increases in activity in older cat can be a result of a thyroid problem.

Altered habits

If your cat suddenly changes their sleeping pattern or grooming habits, it’s time to see the vet. Also watch for a change in the cat’s voice and smell. Be particularly alert for foul breath.

These gray tabby kittens in a red basket show no signs of illness in cats

Dog food allergies

Allergies are fairly common both amongst humans and dogs, and just like a human, a dog can develop an allergy at any age. The most common dog allergy is against flea bites, and the second most common is inhaling allergens such as pollen or molds. Dog food allergies come in a close third place.

In order to develop dog food allergies, a dog must be exposed to the same food ingredient for a couple of years or more. Most dogs are between two and six years old when food allergies are first noticed.

What causes food allergy?

An allergy is caused by the immune system responding to something it believes is foreign. It is a defense mechanism that would normally protect the body, but instead causes an over-reaction to harmless substances met in everyday life.

When it comes to dogs and food the immune system most often reacts to a protein, and the most common triggers are beef, milk and other dairy products, chicken, eggs, soy, corn, and wheat.

What are the symptoms of food allergies?

Symptoms of food allergy include excessive scratching and itchy skin. A dog with a food allergy can scratch until they lose all hair in an area, and the skin is often red and irritated. This is particularly common on the ears, groin, and belly. Some dogs with food allergies lick or chew on their paws, get repeated ear infections, and/or rashes. Stomach problems are also often connected to food allergies.

How do you treat a food allergy?

To treat a food allergy, the dog needs to stay away from eating the problematic ingredient. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find the problematic ingredient. The idea is to eliminate potential causes of the problem through feeding the dog something completely different from what he or she has eaten in the past. The new food – and nothing but the new food – has to be fed for two to three months to give enough time for the method to work. This means no treats or tastes of human foods, which can be frustrating for both dog and human.

Once the dog is symptom free, one ingredient can be added back at a time to see if the immune system reacts.

Sunshine story: dog gets 3D printed legs

Derby the dog was born with deformed and disabled front legs, and would get around through dragging himself with the small forearms. His foster family got him a wheelchair, and while that worked well, they felt that he could get something even better. Thanks to technology and the new 3D printing technology, Derby got a Christmas miracle and is now able to run on newly created legs.

3D printers have been used to make cost efficient limbs for humans, but Derby is the first animal to get 3D printed prosthetics. The materials and tools that are developed for humans don’t always work on animals. It is, for example, easy to scan a person’s leg to fit a prosthetic, but not as easy to scan a dog’s. The company making the leg molded a cast of fiberglass and scanned that into the printing system.

Another problem is teaching the pet to use the prosthetic, and as you can see from the video, Derby has succeeded quite well – and he is becoming an Internet phenomenon.


2014 puppy names

Sleeping puppy in a basket with a blanket is dreaming of the most popular 2014 puppy namesEach year, the website compiles a list of most popular names for puppies and kittens. The 2014 puppy names lists were recently released. 

For female puppies, the top three remains constant. Bella is the number one name, and has kept that position since 2006. The first book in the wildly popular Twilight saga was released in 2005 and the heroines name is Bella. That could be a coincidence, or maybe not… The other names in the top three – Daisy and Lucy – have also held their positions for years.

When it comes to the boys, Max has been the number one name for nine years. The second most popular name used to be Buddy, but this name was kicked down to a number four position in 2014. Instead, Charlie and Rocky have filled out the second and third spot.

Top 2014 puppy names for girls are:

  1. Bella
  2. Daisy
  3. Lucy
  4. Sadie
  5. Molly
  6. Lola
  7. Sophie
  8. Zoey
  9. Luna
  10. Chloe

Top names for boy puppies are:

  1. Max
  2. Charlie
  3. Rocky
  4. Buddy
  5. Cooper
  6. Duke
  7. Bear
  8. Zeus
  9. Bentley
  10. Toby

Five of the world’s largest dog breeds

Large dogs are often gentle giants with as much love to give as they are huge. Here are five of the world’s largest dog breeds. 

The Great Dane

This large breed is easy to recognize, and they are known for being friendly, strong, and elegant. They normally get along well with people, other types of pets, and other dogs.

The Dane has roots in ancient history. The earliest known drawings that resemble the breed have been dated to around 3,000 BC, and the oldest written mention to 1,121 BC.

As one of the largest dog breeds, this black and white Great Dane, standing in a field of white flowers, needs an extra large PlexiDor Dog Door

The Irish Wolfhound

On a breed average these are the world’s tallest dogs. When standing on the back legs many Irish Wolfhounds reach seven feet!

This breed is known to be patient, intelligent, and reliable. They love people in general, and do well with children. Many Wolfhounds thrive in the city, but they need a lot of exercise.

These two Irish Wolfhounds, needing an extra large PlexiDor Dog Door, are standing in a harvested field with green trees in the background

The English Mastiff

On a breed average, this is the heaviest dog breed with individuals weighing over 250 pounds. It is also considered England’s oldest breed.

English Mastiffs are known for being on the lazy side and need to be activated to make sure they get the exercise they need to stay healthy. They’re devoted to their family, good with children, and accept other dogs.

An English Mastiff requires an extra large PlexiDor Dog Door

The Scottish Deerhound

The Scottish Deerhound resembles an extremely friendly rough-coated greyhound. They are known for being gentle, loving, and easy to please.

It’s important to know that these Deerhounds require lots of exercise and gets bored easily – if they have too little to do they might take upon themselves to reorganize the home or redesign furniture. They love to have company of another Deerhound.

The Scottish Deerhound laying in a field with yellow flowers requires an extra large PlexiDor dog door

The Leonberger

The Leonberger gets its name from the coat resembling a lion’s mane. Young Leonbergers can be very energetic and don’t settle down until around three years of age, but after that, nothing fazes them.

They’re surprisingly agile for their size, and require lots of exercise to stay happy and healthy.

This Leonberger,dog sitting on grass in a forest requires an extra large PlexiDor dog door.

Dog doors for giant dogs

If you want a dog door for the large breeds, the extra large PlexiDor dog door accommodates dogs up to 220 pounds. It is constructed to take the impact of a big and powerful dog running through at full speed.

Four important things dogs don’t like

Some human behaviors translate poorly into the world of dogs, and they often cause accidents or bites. Here are four things we humans tend to do that dogs in general don’t like.

Four Things Dogs Don’t Like:

1. Misreading the dog’s signals

A vast majority of dog bites, especially when children are involved, happen because humans misread a dog’s body language. Parents can think something is cute, but the dog just wants to get away, even if it knows the child. The follow signs should be put in context, of course, and each sign below is usually accompanied by other signs of stress.

  • Licking nose and lips
    A stressed dog licking nose and lips looks very different than when you feed your dog a treat.
  • Yawning
    A stressed dog often yawns repeatedly, with intensity. Some dogs even yawn when they need to go out.
  • Panting
    Of course dogs pant to cool off, but it is also a common sign of stress.

Other common signs include looking away, turning away, pinning back the ears with a tense facial expression, low body posture, leaning backward, and tension.

2. Hugging

Hugging is a human phenomenon. Many dogs get used to being hugged by their family members and can even learn to appreciate it, but there are also dogs that never get used to it.

Hugging a dog can make them feel threatened or challenged.

There are countless news stories where a child has been bit by the neighbor’s dog – or even the family’s own dog – and the parents say, “It came out of the blue. She was just hugging the dog.” This misunderstanding between the species ends with a traumatized child and euthanized dog.

3. Patting on top of the head

While most dogs love to be petted, that’s not the same as going up to a dog and patting them on the top of the head or on the face. Teach your children not to do this – especially not to dogs they don’t know. While most dogs tolerate it, they might not like it, and some perceive it as a threat. They don’t like a hand coming at them from above any more than a human would.

When you meet a dog, crouch and turn away a little – this means that you’re not a threat. When the dog comes up to you, pet it on the side.

4. Staring into a dog’s eyes

Most dogs are okay with gazing into their owner’s eyes. However, don’t approach a dog you don’t know and stare into their eyes – this is a challenge in doggie language.

Holiday decoration safety tips for pets

Puppy in Santa hat thinking about safety tips for petsHoliday decorations are a big part of the season, and lights and cheerful colors spread joy in the winter darkness. Everything new in the house brings new dangers to pets as well, and here are some safety tips for pets on little things that can make a big difference.

The tree

Whether you use an artificial tree or a reason, make sure it’s securely anchored so your pets can’t knock it over. Especially cats are tempted to climb into the tree. Also clean up any tree needles regularly – they’re sharp and can get stuck in your pet’s throat or paws.


Pets love to play with and eat tinsel and ribbons. These can cause a lot of damage if swallowed, and even require surgery. Keep tinsel and ribbons off the floor.


Many pets, particularly cats, see baubles as irresistible play things. Try to use decorations that won’t shatter if they hit the floor, and that aren’t too small. You don’t want your pet to accidentally swallow a decoration.

Power cords

Protect cords so your pet can’t play with them or chew on them.

New house plants

Many of the season’s house plants are poisonous. Most people think the poinsettia is very dangerous, but it is only mildly toxic to cats and dogs. Pets shouldn’t be encouraged to eat it of course, but the poinsettia’s reputation is quite exaggerated. Mistletoe, rosemary, and holly can be dangerous to cats and dogs. Keep them out of reach, and contact a veterinarian if you think your pet has ingested any type of holly.

What pet owners really want to do for the holidays

The holiday season is great for visiting with friends and family, but made a survey to find out what pet owners really want to do for the holidays. The results are both thought-worthy and amusing.

A vast majority – 96 percent – answer that they would prefer to spend the holidays at home alone with their pet instead of leaving their pet at home to celebrate with in-laws.

85 percent of pet owners think a kiss under the mistletoe is okay for pets too. 85 percent also think their pets have been nice during the year. The survey doesn’t report whether the 15 percent of naughty pets are the same 15 percent that won’t get kisses…

Only 24 percent of pet owners plan to travel with their pets during the holiday, and 97 percent of those who do will go by car.

54 percent say Santa Claus best describes their pet’s holiday personality. 32 percent say Frosty, and 14 percent The Grinch.
