Most pets take to their cat door or dog door quickly. They are eager to be outside, and love the option to go in and out whenever they want to. Some pets are intimidated by the door at first, but with a little patience your cat or dog will learn to use the door. Most pets learn in between five seconds and five days.
The PlexiDor is different from traditional cat flaps and dog doors in many ways. The difference most important from the pet’s point of view is that your cat or dog can see through the panel. Many cats and dogs like to lie just inside the door and peek out at what’s happening outside. Being able to see through also makes it easier for many pets to learn to use the door – they can see the outside, and they want to get there.
If the pet doesn’t take to the door, try propping one of the panels open and tempting the pet with a treat. If the pet is reluctant, start with propping both panels up. Never force your cat or dog through the door, and give praise once they do come through. Be patient – they’ll get it.
For the electronic door, it usually works well to put a treat on the bottom lip of the pet door. The dog or cat approaches to get the treat, and the collar key triggers the door to open. It doesn’t take long for the pets to figure out that the door will open when they come close to it.